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Your NCLEX-RN AND NCLEX-PN Nursing Exam Prep Portal!


NCLEX-RN and NCLEX-PN Exam Style Questions in multiple choice question format. Timed Exams with 40-120 questions on each exam or study mode exams (instant answer). Review detailed answer explanations. Robust exam reporting to see how you compare with your peers and identify areas for further study.

High Yield Topics

Management/Coordination of Care
Safety and Infection Control
Health Promotion and Maintenance
Psychosocial & Physiological Integrity
Basic Care and Comfort
Reduction of Risk Potential
Pharmacological Therapies
Physiological Adaptation

Evidenced Based

Timed or Practice

Multiple choice questions
4-5 options per question
Exam timer displayed
Mark question for review
Review answers before submitting
5 minute time remaining alert
Instant answer option
Computer, Tablet or Phone Compatible

Practice Exams

Robust Reporting

Immediate results
Result breakdown
Group/Individual Average
Percentile/Percentile Rank
Focus on opportunities
Detailed answer explanations
Category reporting breakdown
Subcategory reporting breakdown

Peer Comparison


Exams attempt to mirror question types presented on the NCLEX-RN and NCLEX-PN exam including the following topics: delegation, and assignment of client care, along with understanding ethical and legal responsibilities, client rights and advocacy, safety and infection control, accident and error prevention, medical asepsis and handling hazardous materials, coping mechanisms, crisis intervention, therapeutic communication, and cultural sensitivity, aspects of mobility, nutrition, and hygiene, medication administration, pharmacological pain management and blood product administration, complications related to procedures, health alterations and diagnostic testing. Other topics include pathophysiology, fluid and electrolyte balance, hemodynamics, and recognizing unexpected responses to therapies.

Examples of topics covered: Integrate advance directives into client plan of care. Delegate and supervise care of client provided by others (e.g., LPN/VN, assistive personnel, other RNs). Organize workload to manage time effectively. Practice and advocate for cost effective care. Initiate, evaluate and update client plan of care. Provide education to clients and staff about client rights and responsibilities. Assess client for allergies and intervene as needed. Protect client from injury. Verify appropriateness and accuracy of a treatment order. Participate in emergency planning and response. Provide prenatal care and education. Provide care and education to an antepartum client or a client in labor and much more....

Dive deep into nursing principles and concepts with our exams, clinical case vignettes. From understanding pathophysiology to mastering nursing interventions and patient care, our educational content is curated to provide you with valuable insights and practical knowledge that you can apply in clinical practice.

Recognize cues. Analyze cues – organize and connect the recognized cues to the client’s clinical presentation. Prioritize hypotheses. Generate solutions. Take action – implement the solution(s) that address the highest priority. Evaluate outcomes.

1000 + Questions
NCLEX-style exam questions


$35-75 per Exam
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$35-75 Per Exam
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Our team is composed of content experts, reviewers and web developers. Our experts possess in-depth knowledge of nursing concepts, clinical practices, and the structure of the NCLEX exam. Thye provide quality assurance by meticulously examining the content developed by our team of experts. Our develpers leverage their technical skills to design and build innovative learning platforms. Together, our interdisciplinary team combines their expertise to create a comprehensive and effective platform for aspiring nurses.

Joe C. MD

Content Management

Physician, professor, educator, content creator, question reviewer & web developer. Passion for education and life-long learner.

Heidi P. RN

Content Expert

Seasoned nurse, educator, question reviewer, content contributor and content expert. Passion for patient care.

Morgan H. RN

Content Expert

Practicing nurse, educator, question reviewer and content expert. Strong interest in nursing education.


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San Diego, California

United States

Email: support@nclexbreeze.com

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